Wednesday, 20 October 2010

shop front

We been given blank shop front with no name or any mentioning what it selling and we had to creat shop name and front fast.
I came up with name Explosion and decided to make it fireworks shop.I made 3d text saying Explosion on 3d max.
Then saved this file in png and imported it to photoshop so i could put backround to this image.
after doing that i imported it to image that i was given and also found image of fireworks and after some manipulation to image i used it as poster for shop windows.

and after placing everything in place i got this image.

Tee-shirt desighn

Today we were given 4 pictures of plain blue thirts and we had to make some kind of design on them involving graffiti and typography. Thats what i did.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

3d MAX

Today we started learning 3d modeling with program 3D max. First we were introdused with few of frogram's tools nand been shown how to navigate 3d shapes. Then we been given some time to play with some of programs features. during that time i made this.

After this i created a sphere and converted it to editable poly then selected polygon and with extrude selected i made this
Then we done some typography on 3d max.. instead of geometry i selected shapes and then text. entered my text and presed on modify, from modifier list selected extrude and increased number in amount box.
Then to import it to photoshop selected render production and saved it as png file.After i did that i opened it with photoshop and made mackround for that text.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

experimenting with capture methods

We been given a task to experement with capture methods by creating a poster. Poster didnt had to be a master piece but we could only use black and white typography, one image of yourself wich we could repeat, name and date of birth.
So i took photo of myself with webcam and imported it to photoshop and then made lots of little copies of that picture to be used in a background image, and then used grayscale to make image black and white.
Then i puted biger image of myself on second layer and reduced its opacityand to 60% then used cutout filter on big image.
After that i created 7 layers and created a white and black squares on each layer and wrote letters of my name on each square. Then i imported graffiti drawing that i drawed yesterday into image.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


This afternoon  we had graffiti artist Roy coming in uour class.He explayned a little bit about history of graffiti and mainly how he started geeting into graffiti and and then he showed some of his works and a little bit of movie witch was created in 80's and its about what graffiti meant to people of that time and how did people who wasn't street artists looked at graffiti. Later that day we were given a3 size papers and could try drawing graffiti on them.*image coming soon* and drawing graffiti isn't as easy as it looked for me.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Today we were learning art of typography and been making some white and black typography on paper and now we learning how to make typogrophy with photoshop. So this is my first type test with using text warp tool on photoshop.
Then we made a path using pen tool while path tool selected after that selected  type tool and move mose cursor on path and press on it and then if we type letters folow path that we just made with pen tool.
 In next practice we used custom shape tool and while type tool selected i presed in the middle of shape and started typing
After that we took pictures of ourseves on webcam and opened them with photoshop then turned them to black and white images by selecting image>mode>grayscale. After that selected filter cutout (filter>artistic>cutout)
then by selecting magic wand tool and selecting certain collor areas then right clicking on selected area and presing Make Work Path we make paths on wich we can type.

David Carson-graphic designer

David Carson is an american graphic designer known for his typography.He was the art director for the magazine Ray Gun.
Here is some examples of his work.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Methods of capture

We been looking thru diferent ways you can capture events and suroundings. For that we were making spider diagram.

In the afternoon we will be going to Plymouth Astor Park to observe and capture art in Park (graffiti,architecture) by using 3 of our selected methods of capture. The methods i chose are photography, memory and writing.

Photography is an art of creating still images. First photography was made in 1826 by french inventor his photograph were produced on a polished pewter plate covered with a petroleum .Before photography the only ways to  graphically capture surroundings was by drawing and painting witch required a lot of time to produce compared to photography.These times you probably wouldn't be able to find a person who hadn't taken a photograph.
  So we went to Plymouth Astor Park and i tried to capture graffiti that is on park's wall by using photography. 
   I took a photo of almost whole wall and with photoshop i transformed every single image so it would look more like this photo was taken in 1 shot.

I decided to write about remaining capture methods weeks after i visited Astor Park to see how good is memory as a capture method. I don't have photographic memory so i prefer using photography or video as a capture method. So after a month passed since I visited Astor Park I remember that at the time we went there there was a few graffiti artists painting so that means graffiti wall keeps changing. Also i remember there being children playground as well as a lot of metal benches and a fence all around the park. I cant remember a lot of details but I memorized a big cross on some buildings wall.