Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Neville Brody

Neville Brody
is an English graphic designer, typographer and art director. He studied art in school and college. He got known in 1980 through his revolutionary work as art director for "The Face" magazine. He created a lot of album covers and posters.

Here is some of his works:

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Flash website

After opening flash I selected ActionScript 2.0 and created 4 layers. Renamed layers to background, content, buttons, actions. Then added key frames on background, content, actions. Key frames were on frames 10,20,and 30 then i selected frame 40 on all layers and added frame. Then in background layer I created a huge square almost the size of canvas. Because background layer is separated into 4 parts by key frames i selected the part on which I made background square and pressed edit>copy  and with other parts of layer selected i pasted background on them by selecting edit>paste in place. After that selected windows>common libraries>buttons. Used button type Ovals and just clicked and dragged buttons on canvas with buttons layer selected. Then added actions for my buttons by going to window>actions. Then selected button and in actions window selected Global functions and then Timeline Control. Then selected each button individually and made these actions to button actions, (button 1) goto>frame:1 Stop , (button 2) goto>frame:10 Stop, (button 3) goto>frame:20 Stop , (button 4) goto>frame:30 Stop.Then I selected type tool and selected paragraph> behaviour > multiline and wrote some random text and to add a scroll bar i went to windows>components>user interface>UIScrollbar.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Photoshop frame by frame animation

Today we had a demo on frame by frame photoshop animation. After opening photoshop we opened animation window. Then added few layers with different images and created some frames and in each frame we changed visibility of frames.After i was done i exported my work as imovie file.

Then I used same technique to animate my website logo.