Tuesday 5 October 2010

Methods of capture

We been looking thru diferent ways you can capture events and suroundings. For that we were making spider diagram.

In the afternoon we will be going to Plymouth Astor Park to observe and capture art in Park (graffiti,architecture) by using 3 of our selected methods of capture. The methods i chose are photography, memory and writing.

Photography is an art of creating still images. First photography was made in 1826 by french inventor his photograph were produced on a polished pewter plate covered with a petroleum .Before photography the only ways to  graphically capture surroundings was by drawing and painting witch required a lot of time to produce compared to photography.These times you probably wouldn't be able to find a person who hadn't taken a photograph.
  So we went to Plymouth Astor Park and i tried to capture graffiti that is on park's wall by using photography. 
   I took a photo of almost whole wall and with photoshop i transformed every single image so it would look more like this photo was taken in 1 shot.

I decided to write about remaining capture methods weeks after i visited Astor Park to see how good is memory as a capture method. I don't have photographic memory so i prefer using photography or video as a capture method. So after a month passed since I visited Astor Park I remember that at the time we went there there was a few graffiti artists painting so that means graffiti wall keeps changing. Also i remember there being children playground as well as a lot of metal benches and a fence all around the park. I cant remember a lot of details but I memorized a big cross on some buildings wall.

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