Tuesday 30 November 2010

Website research

I will be looking at few website's layout and design in order to develop my own website's look. First i looked at "Plymouth college of art" website. This website represents college online and provides various information about college.
What I want to say about this website is that I like layout of this website. Its not really good but its not bad either  but the design of website is really dull having in mind that website should represent college of art and design even though it has some imagery but those images doesn't look too good on a white background. Squares are dominant in website's design.
I also found most usefull worst website. It is created to look as worse as possible with a lot of mistakes that sometimes website designers make including comments of website creator on how to avoid those mistakes.

Next I opened "Nike" website. And I can say that its really well made website.
The layout is really easy to use and easily understandable. Design uses alot of square shapes and the background is made with gradient tool. I liked how well black and white images are mixed with really colourful images.

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