For capture unit we did a lot of experimentation and work. It involved capture methods such as photography, rubbings, scanning, vector art and and audio recording. From all those capture methods I chose photography as my main one My project of capture was to create a website of my choice and I chose to create sport news website. To create a website I had to use photography and a range of other capture methods. Unfortunately I didn't had access to take photos of football basketball or tennis players up close so I used photography and video as a reference to my website vector art with which I even created a looping animations. My website also includes a few news reports from other news website and it also has a few photographs of the game.
Overall I think my project was a success because I created a website just as I wanted which is easy to use and instead of a lot of text in interface uses imagery which makes it faster for user to find what he wants without having to read though whole menu.
In my future projects I will definitely going to use photography and video as a reference to my project or as a project itself also animation and vector shapes. But especially I am going to try to use flash animation more as I really took a liking of it and after I been presented with flash I even created a few short animated movies.
Before starting to make my website I was researching other websites. I found quite a few good ones but what really influenced my work was "Nike" website in which black and white colours were dominant and the website looked really good. So after examining that website I understood that to make website appealing to the eye you don't have to use practiclly all colours of the rainbow it can look just as good and even better while being in black and white.
If I was going to redo my project I would probably change a few things. I would try to use more imagery and try to create nicer button animations so to do that I would have to try not to get sidetracked with my own personal projects.
All in all I am pleased with my project even though there is still a lot of room for improvement. In this unit I learned quite a few new capture methods that I have never done before which I definitely going to use in future works and found out first hand how research can impact your final work.